Breached pairing superfluidity: Possible realization in QCD
Bread and Butter Standard Model
Breakdown of chiral expansion for parton distributions
Breakdown of Coherence ?
Breakdown of Conventional Factorization for Isolated Photon Cross Sections
Breakdown of Dimensional Regularization in the Sudakov Problem
Breakdown of kT-factorization and J/Psi production in dA collisions
Breakdown of PCAC in diffractive neutrino interactions
Breakdown of QCD coherence ?
Breakdown of QCD factorization at large Feynman x
Breakdown of the Hard Thermal Loop expansion near the light-cone
Breakdown of the KLN Theorem for Charged Particles in Condensed Matter
Breakdown of the Narrow Width Approximation for New Physics
Breakdown of the operator product expansion in the 't Hooft model
Breakdown of Zero--Mode Approximation in the Instanton Vacuum
Breaking CPT by mixed non-commutativity
Breaking democracy with non renormalizable mass terms
Breaking Discrete Symmetries in Broken Gauge Theories
Breaking Eight-fold Degeneracies in Neutrino CP Violation, Mixing, and Mass Hierarchy
Breaking Electroweak Symmetry Strongly