Brane Localized Curvature for Warped Gravitons
Brane Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking
Brane necklaces and brane coils
Brane oscillations and the cosmic coincidence problem
Brane preheating
Brane Q-ball, branonium and brane Q-ball inflation
Brane solution with an increasing warp factor
Brane to bulk supersymmetry breaking and radion force at micron distances
Brane world corrections to scalar vacuum force in RSII-p
Brane World Cosmic String Interaction
Brane World Cosmology Without the Z_2 Symmetry
Brane World Linearized Cosmic String Gravity
Brane World Models Need Low String Scale
Brane World Moduli and the CMB
Brane world regularization of point particle classical self-energy
Brane world unification of quark and lepton masses and its implication for the masses of the neutrinos
Brane Worlds and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem
Brane-bulk energy exchange and the Universe as a global attractor
Brane-localized Kinetic Terms in the Randall-Sundrum Model
Brane-Production and the Neutrino-Nucleon cross section at Ultra High Energies in Low Scale Gravity Models