Branching ratios of $B_s\to (K^+K^-,K^0\bar{K}^0)$ and $B_d\to π^+ π^- and determination of \boldmath{$γ(φ_3)$
Branching ratios of Bc Meson Decaying to Pseudoscalar and Axial-Vector Mesons
Branching ratios of Bc Meson Decays into Tensor Meson in the Final State
Branching ratios of the decays of psi(3770) and Upsilon(10580) into light hadrons
Branching ratios of weak hadronic decays of bottom baryons emitting charmless scalar mesons in the pole model
Branching ratios, forward-backward asymmetries and angular distributions of $B\to K_2^*l^+l^-$ in the standard model and new physics scenarios
Branching Ratios, Forward-backward Asymmetry and Angular Distributions of $B\to K_1l^+l^-$ Decays
Branching-ratio and CP violation in semi-inclusive flavor-changing top decays
Brane Cosmologies without Orbifolds
Brane Cosmology and KK Gravitinos
Brane Cosmology Solutions with Bulk Scalar Fields
Brane Couplings from Bulk Loops
Brane Effects on Extra Dimensional Scenarios: A Tale of Two Gravitons
Brane Fluctuation and anomalous muon magnetic moment
Brane Fluctuation and New Counting Rules for Kaluza-Klein Towers
Brane fluctuation and the electroweak chiral Lagrangian
Brane fluctuations and suppression of Kaluza-Klein mode couplings
Brane Gas Inflation
Brane Inflation
Brane inflation and the fine-tuning problem