Branching Ratio and CP-asymmetry for B-> 1^{1}P_{1}gamma decays
Branching Ratio and direct CP Asymmetry for $B \to K^{*} γ$ Decay in MSSM
Branching ratio and direct CP-violating rate asymmetry of the rare decays $B \to K^\ast γ$ and $B \to ργ$
Branching Ratio and Polarization of $B\toρ(ω)ρ(ω)$ Decays in Perturbative QCD Approach
Branching Ratio and Polarization of B \to a_1(1260)(b_1(1235))ρ(ω, φ) Decays in the PQCD Approach
Branching ratio for B -> K_1 gamma decay in next-to-leading order in LEET
Branching ratio of rare decay $B^0(B_s)\to γν\barν$
Branching ratios and CP asymmetries in charmless nonleptonic B decays to radially excited mesons
Branching ratios and CP asymmetries of $B \to K η^{(\prime)}$ decays in the pQCD approach
Branching Ratios and CP Asymmetries of B Decays to a Vector and a Pseudoscalar Meson
Branching Ratios and CP Asymmetries of B \to a_1(1260) πand a_1(1260) K Decays
Branching ratios and CP-violating asymmetries of $B_s \to h_1 h_2 $ decays in the general two-Higgs doublet models
Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in $D\to PP$ decays
Branching Ratios and Polarization in B-> VV,VA,AA Decays
Branching Ratios for $B \to K^* γ$ and $B \to ργ$ Decays in Next-to-Leading Order in the Large Eneregy Effective Theory
Branching ratios for B_{d,s}->J/psi eta and B_{d,s}->eta l+l-, extracting gamma from B_{d,s}->J/psi eta, and possibilities for constraining C_{10A} in semileptonic B decays
Branching Ratios in Proton Antiproton Annihilation at Rest from Large Nc QCD
Branching Ratios of $B \to D_s K$ Decays in Perturbative QCD Approach
Branching ratios of $B^+ \to D^{(*)+}K^{(*)0}$ decays in perturbative QCD approach
Branching ratios of $B_c \to A P $ decays in the perturbative QCD approach