Bounds on the slope and the curvature of the scalar Kπform factor at zero momentum transfer
Bounds on the Soft Pomeron Intercept
Bounds on the Solar Antineutrino total Flux and Energy spectrum from the SK experiment
Bounds on the Standard Higgs Boson
Bounds on the tau and muon neutrino vector and axial vector charge radius
Bounds on the Tau Magnetic Moments: Standard Model and Beyond
Bounds on the Unitarity Triangle, $\sin 2β$ and $K\toπν\barν$ Decays in Models with Minimal Flavour Violation
Bounds on the W-Boson Electric Dipole Moment -Revisited
Bounds on the Zγγcouplings from HERA
Bounds on transverse momentum dependent distribution and fragmentation functions
Bounds on transverse momentum dependent distribution functions
Bounds on Transverse Spin Asymmetries for Lambda Baryon Production in pp Collisions at BNL RHIC
Bounds on Universal Extra Dimensions
Bounds on universal new physics effects from fermion-antifermion production at LEP2
Bounds on Unparticles Couplings to Electrons: from Electron g-2 to Positronium Decays
Bounds on Unparticles from the Higgs Sector
Bounds on Vector Leptoquarks
Bounds on Very Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles (WISPs) from Cosmology and Astrophysics
Bounds on Warped Extra Dimensions from a Standard Model-like Higgs Boson
Bounds on \sin 2βand |V_{ub}/V_{cb}| from the Light-Quark Triangle