$θ-$ Parameter in 2 Color QCD at Finite Baryon and Isospin Density
$Θ^+$ baryon, $N^* (1685)$ resonance, and $πN$ sigma term in the context of the LEPS and DIANA experiments
$Θ^+$ in a chiral constituent quark model and its interpolating fields
$Θ^+$-pentaquark parity from associative baryon production in $π D$ collisions, $π^{\pm}+D\to Θ^+ +Σ^{\pm}$
$θ_{13}$ in Neutrino Mass Matrix with the Minimal Texture
$θ_{13}$, $δ$ and the neutrino mass hierarchy at a $γ=350$ double baseline Li/B $β$-Beam
$θ_{13}$, CP Violation and Leptogenesis in Minimal Supersymmetric $SU(4)_c \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$
$Λ$, $\barΛ$ Polarization and Spin Transfer in Lepton Deep-Inelastic Scattering
$Λ(1405)$ Contribution to Kaon-Nucleon Scattering Lengths In Chiral Perturbation Theory
$Λ-π$ phase shift in Chiral Perturbation Theory
$ΛNN$ and $ΣNN$ systems at threshold
$Λ_b \to p, Λ$ transition form factors from QCD light-cone sum rules
$Λ_b \to Λ+ D (\bar{D}^0)$ decays and CP-violation
$Λ_b$ Decays into $Λ$-Vector
$Λ_b\toΣ_c^{(*)}πl{\barν}$ in the heavy quark, chiral, and large $N_c$ limits
$Λ_c N$ bound states revisited
$Λ_s (1405)$ and Negative Parity Baryon States
$Λ_{\rm QCD}$ and $α_s(M_Z^2)$ from DIS Structure Functions
$λφ^4$ model and Higgs mass in standard model calculated by Gaussian effective potential approach with a new regularization-renormalization method
$μ$ Parameter from Dynamical Rearrangement of U(1) and $θ$ Parameter