Irreducible Multiplets of Three-Quark Operators on the Lattice: Controlling Mixing under Renormalization
Is Confinement a Phase of Broken Dual Gauge Symmetry?
Is strong CP invariance due to a massless up quark?
Is SU(2) lattice gauge theory a spin glass?
Is the 2D O(3) Nonlinear $σ$ Model Asymptotically Free?
Is the Chiral Phase Transition in Non-Compact Lattice QED Driven by Monopole Condensation?
Is the chiral U(1) theory trivial?
Is the doubler of the electron an antiquark?
Is the Graviton a Domain Wall Glueball?
Is the ground state of Yang-Mills theory Coulombic?
Is the Quenched Spectrum in agreement with Experiment?
Is the Up Quark Massless?
Is the up-quark massless?
Is there a $ρ$ in the O(4) $λφ^4_4$ theory?
Is there a third-order phase transition in quenched QCD?
Is there an Aoki phase in quenched QCD?
Is There Quantum Gravity in Two Dimensions?
Is there still any Tc mystery in lattice QCD? Results with physical masses in the continuum limit III
Is trivial the antiferromagnetic RP(2) model in four dimensions?
Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice