Z(2) vortices and the string tension in SU(2) gauge theory
Z(2)-symmetric center vortex model with a first-order deconfinement transition
Z(3) Interfaces in Lattice Gauge Theory
Z(3) Symmetric Dimensional Reduction of (2+1)D QCD
Z(3)-symmetric effective theory of hot QCD
Z-Vortex Percolation in the Electroweak Crossover Region
Z2 monopoles in D=2+1 SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Z2 Monopoles, Vortices, and the Deconfinement Transition in Mixed Action SU(2) Gauge Theory
Zero density heavy quark SU(2) gauge theory and the Stefan-Boltzmann limit
Zero Lattice Sound
Zero mode contribution in quarkonium correlators and in-medium properties of heavy quarks
Zero of the discrete beta function in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with color sextet fermions
Zero temperature lattice Weinberg - Salam model for the values of the cutoff $Λ\sim 1$ TeV
Zero temperature phase structure of multi-flavor QCD
Zero temperature string breaking in lattice quantum chromodynamics
Zero Temperature String Breaking with Staggered Quarks
Zero-modes of the QED Neuberger Dirac operator
Zero-momentum modes and chiral limit in compact lattice QED
Zeros of the Partition Function for Higher--Spin 2D Ising Models
Zone methods and the fermion sign problem