Vacuum energy of two-dimensional N=(2,2) super Yang-Mills theory
Vacuum expectation value of A^2 from LQCD
Vacuum Expectation Values of Twisted Mass Fermion Operators
Vacuum Polarisation and Hadronic Contribution to muon g-2 from Lattice QCD
Vacuum polarisation and the muon g-2 in lattice QCD
Vacuum State of Lattice Gauge Theory with Fermions in 2+1 Dimensions
Vacuum structure and Casimir scaling in Yang-Mills theories
Vacuum structure as seen by overlap fermions
Vacuum structure of gauge theory on lattice with two parallel plaquette action
Vacuum structure of pure gauge theories on the lattice
Vacuum Structure of the Ichimatsu-Decomposed Lattice Models
Vacuum structure revealed by over-improved stout-link smearing compared with the overlap analysis for quenched QCD
Vacuum Tunneling and Periodic Structure in Lattice Higgs Models
Vacuum type of SU(2) gluodynamics in maximally Abelian and Landau gauges
Valence quarks in the QCD plasma: quark number susceptibilities and screening
Validity of the Rooted Staggered Determinant in the continuum limit
Variants of fattening and flavor symmetry restoration
Variants of Lüscher's fermion algorithm
Variational Approach to Real-Time Evolution of Yang-Mills Gauge Fields on a Lattice
Variational calculation of heavy-light meson properties