C-Periodicity and the Physical Mass in the 3-State Potts Model
Calculating $B_K$ using a mixed action
Calculating $B_K$ using HYP staggered fermions
Calculating $ε'/ε$ using HYP staggered fermions
Calculating Quark Number Susceptibilities with Domain-Wall Fermions
Calculating the hadronic vacuum polarization and leading hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment with improved staggered quarks
Calculating the I=2 Pion Scattering Length Using Tadpole Improved Clover Wilson Action on Coarse Anisotropic Lattices
Calculating the Isgur-Wise Function on the Lattice
Calculating the running coupling in strong electroweak models
Calculating weak matrix elements using HYP staggered fermions
Calculation and Interpretation of Hadron Correlation Functions in Lattice QCD
Calculation of $K\toππ$ decay amplitudes from $K\toπ$ matrix elements in quenched domain-wall QCD
Calculation of $ΔI = 3/2$ kaon weak matrix elements including two-pion interaction effects in finite volume
Calculation of $ρ$ meson decay width from the PACS-CS configurations
Calculation of CP Violation in Non-leptonic Kaon Decay on the Lattice
Calculation of fermion loops for $η^\prime$ and nucleon scalar and electromagnetic form factors
Calculation of Finite Size Effects on the Nucleon Mass in Unquenched QCD using Chiral Perturbation Theory
Calculation of f_B and the ``Isgur-Wise Function'' using a non-perturbatively improved fermion action
Calculation Of Hadronic Matrix Elements Relevant For Delta I=1/2 Rule And Epsilon-prime In Lattice QCD With Staggered Fermions
Calculation of Helium nuclei in quenched lattice QCD