Sun photometer and lidar measurements of the plume from the Hawaii Kilauea Volcano Pu'u O'o vent: Aerosol flux and SO2 lifetime
Sun up at Glastonbury
Sunda-Banda arc transition: Incipient continent-island arc collision (northwest Australia)
Sunspots: The puzzling structure of a sunspot
Super-diffusion via Lévy lagrangian velocity processes
Supplement: Supplement: The Annual Report of the RAS, 2002
Suppression of multiple reflections in GLORIA sidescan sonar imagery
Suppression of the unwanted variations in data
Surface coastal circulation patterns by in-situ detection of Lagrangian coherent structures
Surface deformation and geoid anomalies over single and double-layered convective systems
Surface displacements associated with the L'Aquila 2009 Mw 6.3 earthquake (central Italy): New evidence from SBAS-DInSAR time series analysis
Surface electric variations induced by deep hydraulic stimulation: An example from the Soultz HDR site
Surface Instrument Package for Small Body Science
Surface properties of Galilean satellites from bistatic radar experiments
Surface roughness, radar backscatter, and visible and near-infrared reflectance in Death Valley, California
Surface versus internal loading of the Tharsis rise, Mars
Surface warming by the solar cycle as revealed by the composite mean difference projection
Surface water-groundwater exchange in transitional coastal environments by airborne electromagnetics: The Venice Lagoon example
Surface wave dispersion from small vertical scatterers
Surface wave excitation of local field line oscillations