Role of the stratosphere on the predictability of medium-range weather forecast: A case study of winter 2003-2004
Roles apparent resistivity amplitude and phase play in an aquifer's electrical-hydraulic conductivity correlation
ROPAC II: technology transfer in action
Rossby waves and $α$-effect
Rotated paleomagnetic poles from the Sassamansville syncline, Newark basin, southeastern Pennsylvania
Rotating gravity gradiometer study
Rotational properties of planetary satellites
Rowan-Robinson: Presidential Address: Terahertz molecular line astronomy
Royal Society, Discussion on the Earth's Core; Its Structure, Evolution and Magnetic Field, London, England, January 27, 28, 1982, Proceedings
Rupture by damage accumulation in rocks
Rupture length and duration of the 2004 Aceh-Sumatra earthquake from the phases of the Earth's gravest free oscillations
Rupture sismique des fondations par perte de capacité portante: Le cas des semelles circulaires
Russian Scientific Project: "The Moon - 2012+"