Magnetospheric and auroral plasmas - A short survey of progress
Magnetospheric convection during quiet or moderately disturbed times
Magnetospheric disturbances, and the GPS operation
Magnetospheric electric fields and currents
Magnetospheric physics - Magnetic fields
Magnetospheric substorms - Definition and signatures
Magnetotail stability and dynamics: Progress 1991 1993
Magnetotails throughout the solar system
Magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth soundings around the Torres Syncline hinge, Southeast Paraná Basin, Brazil
Magnetotelluric fieldwork adventures in Africa
Magnetotelluric imaging of fluids in intraplate earthquake zones, NE Japan back arc
Magnetotelluric imaging of the creeping segment of the San Andreas Fault near Hollister
Magnetotelluric imaging of upper-crustal convection plumes beneath the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Magnetotelluric measurements in SW Iberia: New data for the Variscan crustal structures
Magnetotelluric signature of the western Cantabrian Mountains
Magnification of mantle resonance as a cause of tectonics
Magnitude clustering and dynamical scaling in trigger models for earthquake forecasting
Magnitude Uncertainties Impact Seismic Rate Estimates, Forecasts and Predictability Experiments
Magsat: A satellite for measuring near earth magnetic fields
MAIC-2, a latitudinal model for the Martian surface temperature, atmospheric water transport and surface glaciation