Lunar and luni-solar variations of the geomagnetic field in the Indian region
Lunar and solar barometric tides at Nandi, Fiji
Lunar and solar daily variations of the geomagnetic field at Toolangi
Lunar base reference design
Lunar BroadBand Seismometer System in the Japanese lunar landing mission SELENE-2: its science goals and instrument details
Lunar composition - A geophysical and petrological synthesis
Lunar daily distance numbers D and D prime
Lunar Density Models Consistent with Mantle Seismic Velocities and Other Geophysical Constraints
Lunar exploration: Back to the Moon?
Lunar Field Geology Enabled by Ground-based Geophysics
Lunar geophysics
Lunar Geophysics and Lunar Laser Ranging
Lunar heat flow experiments: Science objectives and a strategy for minimizing the effects of lander-induced perturbations
Lunar Heat Flow Simulation and Testing Chamber
Lunar Laser Ranging Science: Recent Progress and Future Plans
Lunar LIGO: A new concept in gravitational wave astronomy
Lunar magnetic variations
Lunar magnetization concentrations (MAGCONS) antipodal to young large impact basins
Lunar perturbations in geomagnetic field and in the characteristics of F-region over huancayo
Lunar prospecting