Extended-range ensemble forecasting of tropical cyclogenesis in the northern Indian Ocean: Modulation of Madden-Julian Oscillation
Extension in the western Ross Sea region-links between Adare Basin and Victoria Land Basin
Extensional structure in northern Honshu Arc as inferred from seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection profiling
Extent and duration of the 2003 Cascadia slow earthquake
Extent of gas hydrate filled fracture planes: Implications for in situ methanogenesis and resource potential
Extent of the low-velocity region in the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific detected by the Vietnamese Broadband Seismograph Array
Extracting preseismic electric signals from noisy Earth's electric field data recordings. The "noise injection" method
Extraction of polar mesosphere summer echoes from SuperDARN data
Extramagnetospheric origin of Pc3 geomagnetic pulsations
Extrasolar planets: What are hot Jupiters made of?
Extraterrestrial component associated with Australasian microtektites in a core from ODP Site 758B
Extreme climatic events and weather regimes over the North Atlantic: When and where?
Extreme runup from the 17 July 2006 Java tsunami
Extreme sensitivity of crosshole electrical resistivity tomography measurements to geometric errors
Extreme Value Statistics of the Total Energy in an Intermediate Complexity Model of the Mid-latitude Atmospheric Jet. Part I: Stationary case
Extreme waves in random crossing seas: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations