Detailed plate boundary structure off northeast Japan coast
Detecting and characterizing mesoscale and submesoscale structures of Mediterranean water from joint seismic and hydrographic measurements in the Gulf of Cadiz
Detecting precursory earthquake migration patterns using the pattern informatics method
Detecting sub-wavelength layers and interfaces in synthetic sediments using seismic wave transmission
Detecting the warm core of a hurricane from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder
Detecting tsunami genesis and scales directly from coastal GPS stations
Detection of an unusually large hydrothermal event plume above the slow-spreading Carlsberg Ridge: NW Indian Ocean
Detection of atmospheric pressure loading using very long baseline interferometry measurements
Detection of climate system bifurcations by degenerate fingerprinting
Detection of Continental Hydrology and Glaciology Signals from GRACE: A Review
Detection of crystalline hematite mineralization on Mars by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer: Evidence for near-surface water
Detection of earth-origin electric pulses
Detection of Geoneutrinos: Can We Make the Gnus Work for Us?
Detection of layer boundaries in wells using multi-electrode resistivity data
Detection of marine methane emissions with AVIRIS band ratios
Detection of Phase Jumps of Free Core Nutation of the Earth and their Concurrence with Geomagnetic Jerks
Detection of subsurface ice and water deposits on Mars with a mutual impedance probe
Detection of vortices and saddle points in SST data
Determination and interpretation of surface and atmospheric Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer spectral end-members at the Meridiani Planum landing site
Determination of Density for Reduction of Gravimeter Observations