Discussion: mantle plumes: Mantle plumes?
Disk resolved studies of the optical properties and physical nature of the surfaces of the outer planet satellites
Disk-planet interactions: Implications for planetary systems formation and evolution.
Disk-resolved spectral reflectance properties of PHOBOS from 0.3-3.2 micron: Preliminary integrated results from PHOBOS 2
Dislocation structures of olivine from pallasite meteorites
Disparity of tropospheric and surface temperature trends: New evidence
Dispersion inversion of electromagnetic pulse propagation within freezing and thawing soil waveguides
Dispersive waves generated by an underwater landslide
Displacement field for an edge dislocation in a layered half-space
Disruption of Planetesimals by Tides and Collisions
Disruptive earthquakes revealed by faulted archaeological relics in Samnium (Molise, southern Italy)
Dissolution finger growth in variable aperture fractures: Role of the tip-region flow field
Distributed archive and single access system for accelerometric event data : a NERIES initiative
Distribution and clustering of fast coronal mass ejections
Distribution of Maximum Earthquake Magnitudes in Future Time Intervals, Application to the Seismicity of Japan (1923-2007)
Distribution of the Largest Aftershocks in Branching Models of Triggered Seismicity: Theory of the Universal Bath's law
Distribution of U and Th and Their Nuclear Fission in the Outer Core of the Earth and Their effects on the Geodynamics
Diurnal temperature range over the United States: A satellite view
Diurnal variations in vertical strain observed in a temperate valley glacier
Diversity of microenvironments and the complexity of vortex motion