Transformation Semigroup and Complex Topology: a study of inversion with increasing complexity
Transient Non-linear Thermal FEM Simulation of Smart Power Switches and Verification by Measurements
Transition probabilities and Stark-broadening parameters of neutral and singly ionized lead
Transition probabilities in neutral barium
Transition probabilities of the B-prime 1Sigma(u)(+) to X 1Sigma(g)(+) system of molecular hydrogen
Transition probability of the SI III 189.2-nm intersystem line
Transition Temperatures of Superconductors estimated from Periodic Table Properties
Transition to chaos in the Duffing oscillator
Translational invariance and the space-time Lorentz transformation with arbitary spatial coordinates
Transmission of acoustic waves in a random layered medium
Transmutation of Elements through Capture of Electrons by Nuclei
Transport coefficients of the classical one-component plasma
Transport induced by Density Waves in a Andreev-Lifshitz Supersolid
Transport phenomena in a completely ionized gas with large temperature gradients
Transversal plasma resonance in a nonmagnetized plasma and possibilities of practical employment of it
Transverse and Longitudinal Doppler Effects of the Sunbeam Spectra and Earth-Self Rotation and Orbital Velocities, the Mass of the Sun and Others
Transverse redshift effects without special relativity
Treating Cancer with Strong Magnetic Fields and Ultrasound
Tree Amplitudes in Gauge and Gravity Theories
Tree Amplitudes in Scalar Field Theories