Introduction to a Quantum Theory over a Galois Field
Intuitive Proof of Black-Scholes Formula Based on Arbitrage and Properties of Lognormal Distribution
Invalidity of prohibition of the perpetual motion engine of the second kind and the scenario of using these engines for prevention of the "thermal death" on the Earth
Invariance Mechanics - A new direction for quantum gravity
Invariant formulation of q-deformations via the novel genomathematics
Invariant space-time intervals, clock synchronisation and correct application of Lorentz transformations in special relativity
Invariants in electromagnetic and gravitational adjoint fields
Inversions of the Effective Action in Condensed Matter Models
Investigation methods in model conception of quantum phenomena
Investigation of anisotropic metric in multidimensional space-time and generation of additional dimensions by scalar field
Investigation of electrons interaction in a superconductor
Investigation of high voltage discharges in low pressure gases through large ceramic superconducting electrodes
Investigation of Micro Porosity Sintered wick in Vapor Chamber for Fan Less Design
Investigation on Vacuum Field Theory
Ion-dynamic effects on the line shapes of hydrogenic emitters in plasmas
Ion-ion recombination and ion-pair formation processes in alkali-hydrogen diatomic systems
Ion-motion broadening of the Delta n=0,n=2 transitions of C v in a carbon laser-produced plasma
Ion-motion effect in the Stark profiles of Hα and H beta
Ionic fragmentation of K-shell excited and ionized CO
Ionic Kratzer bond theory and vibrational levels for achiral covalent bond HH