Intermediate-coupling calculation of atomic spectra from hot plasma
Intermediate-coupling calculations for the dielectronic recombination of B-like ions
Intermediate-coupling collision strengths and line strengths for certain transitions to n = 3 levels in highly charged Be-like ions
Intermediate-coupling collision strengths for fine-structure transitions between S and P levels and S and D levels in highly charged He-like ions
Internally Electrodynamic Particle Model: Its Experimental Basis and Its Predictions
Interplay between the small and the large scale structure of spacetime
Interpretation of cosmological expansion effects on the quantum-classical transition
Interpretation of relativistic, transverse, and longitudinal mass using the Lorentz transformation of reference time: Explanation of time dilation via spherical light clock
Interpretation of the measured rate of radiative association of CH3(+) and H2
Interpretation of the slight periodic displacement in the Michelson-Morley experiments
Interpretation of the supraluminous neutrinos by a theory of ether
Interpretations of Cosmological Spectral Shifts
Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: a critical survey
Interpreting Negative Probabilities in the Context of Double-Slit Interferometry
Interstellar Hydrogen and Cosmic Background Radiation
Intrinsic Awareness, the Fundamental State of Consciousness
Intrinsic Lorentz violation in Doppler effect from a moving point light source
Introducing spin in Schrodinger dynamics of particle motion
Introduction à la Physique Quantique
Introduction of coherence in astrophysical spectroscopy