Cremonian Space-Time(s) as an Emergent Phenomenon
Criterion of stability of the superconducting state
Critical behavior of a class of nonlinear stochastic models of diffusion of information
Critical dimension of Spectral Triples
Critical examination of N dependence in the Monte Carlo calculations for a classical one-component plasma
Critical points with high accuracy and fluctuation origin of 2 and 3-dimensional Ising models
Critique on Vindication of Panspermia
Cross section for ionization of metastable rare-gas atoms /Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe/ and of metastable N2,CO molecules by electron impact
Cross sections and excitation rates for electron collisions with heliumlike ions
Cross sections and rates for direct electron-impact ionization of sodiumlike ions
Cross sections for electron capture and loss. I - H(+) and H(-) impact on H and H2
Cross sections for electron capture and loss. II. H impact on H and H2
Cross sections for excitation of atomic hydrogen to the n = 2, 3, and 4 states by 15-200-keV protons
Cross sections for inelastic electron-ion scattering in weak-coupling approximations
Cross sections for inner-shell excitation of Na-like ions
Cross-section and rate formulas for electron-impact ionization, excitation, deexcitation, and total depopulation of excited atoms
Cross-section measurements for electron-H3O + recombination
Cross-sections of long and short baseline neutrino and antineutrino oscillations of which some change the flavor
Crossing the Line: Towards increasingly fruitful complex systems research for the physics community
Crossover from a pseudogap state to a superconducting state