Comments on the mass of the Photon
Comments on the Paper "On the Unification of the Fundamental Forces"
Comments on the recent result of the "Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam"
Comments on the theory of noncontractible space and the misuse of the theory of vacuum
Comments to support the Dipole Dynamical Model (DDM) of Ball Lightning (BL)
Common aspects of q-deformed Lie algebras and fractional calculus
Common physical mechanism for integer and fractional quantum Hall effects
Common-View Mode Synchronization as a source of error in Measurement of Time of Flight of neutrinos at the CERN-LNGS experiment
Communication via Quantum Neural Network
Commutative Relations for the Nonlinear Dirac Equation
Comparative study of low-energy 2Sigma g + and 2Pi g scattering in molecular nitrogen
Comparison between active- and passive-cavity interferometers
Comparison of atomic potentials and eigenvalues in strongly coupled neon plasmas
Comparison of doubly - excited helium energy levels, isoelectronic series, autoionization lifetimes, and group - theoretical configuration - mixing predictions with large - configuration - interaction calculations and experimental spectra
Comparison of measured and calculated Stark broadening parameters for neutral-helium lines
Comparison of Monte-Carlo and Einstein methods in the light-gas interactions
Comparison of the Phenomena of Light Refraction and Gravitational Bending
Comparison of Two Interpretations of Josephson Effect
Compatibility of the theory of special relativity with an absolute reference frame with a longitudinal Doppler shift
Compensational Gravity Fundamentals and an Application: The Cycling Universe