On the Three-dimensional Central Moment Lattice Boltzmann Method
On the transient nature of localized pipe flow turbulence
On the transition between saltation and suspension on Earth and on Mars
On the transport of moisture in polythermal glaciers
On the triggering of the Ultimate Regime of convection
On the tuning of a wave-energy driven oscillating-water-column seawater pump to polychromatic waves
On the turbulent energy cascade in anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
On the two-dimensionalization of quasistatic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
On the uniqueness of continuous inverse kinetic theory for incompressible fluids
On the universality of small scale turbulence
On the variations of acoustic absorption peak with flow velocity in Micro-Perforated Panels at high level of excitation
On the Viscosity of Emulsions
On unique determination of toroidal or geostrophic flow in the earth's core
On vertical hydromagnetic waves in a compressible atmosphere under an oblique magnetic field
On Virk's asymptote
On Zonal Jets in Oceans
On-Shell Description of Stationary Flames
On-Shell Description of Unsteady Flames
One-Dimensional Motion of Bethe-Johnson Gas
One-dimensional ultrasound propagation at stratified gas: Gross-Jackson model