Damping by branching: a bioinspiration from trees
Dark Matter as Fossil Turbulence---Primordial Fog Particles and WIMPs
Data-driven derivation of the turbulent energy cascade generator
Dead Waters: Large amplitude interfacial waves generated by a boat in a stratified fluid
Debye-Hueckel solution for steady electro-osmotic flow of a micropolar fluid in a cylindrical microcapillary
Decay laws for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Decay of the monochromatic capillary wave
Decaying quasi-two-dimensional turbulence in a rectangular container: laboratory experiments
Decaying turbulence: what happens when the correlation length varies spatially in two adjacent zones
Deceleration Driven Wetting Transition During "Gentle" Drop Deposition
Decomposition driven interface evolution for layers of binary mixtures: I. Model derivation and stratified base states
Decomposition driven interface evolution for layers of binary mixtures: {II}. Influence of convective transport on linear stability
Decorrelating a compressible turbulent flow: an experiment
Deep two-dimensional turbulence: An idealized model for atmospheric jets of the giant outer planets
Deformation and splitting of baroclinic eddies encountering a tall seamount
Degassing cascades in a shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid
Delay of Disorder by Diluted Polymers
Delta-singular vortex dynamics on a rotating sphere and stability of coupled atmospheric centers of action
Density of critical points for a Gaussian random function
Density probability distribution in one-dimensional polytropic gas dynamics