"Actuation at a distance" of microelectromechanical systems using photoelectrowetting: proof-of-concept
"Nonlinear energy stability in a compressible atmosphere"
"Oenodynamic": Hydrodynamic of wine swirling
"Ultimate state" of two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection between free-slip fixed temperature boundaries
-effect due to wave reflection from the core mantle boundary
2. Symposium on Reversals, Secular Variation and Dynamo Theory, Santa Fe, NM (USA), 6 - 10 Aug 1990.
2D Studies of Various Approximations Used for Modeling Convection in Giant Planets
3D Effects in the Formation of Zonal Jets Through Inverse Cascade
3D Effects in the Formation of Zonal Jets Through Inverse Cascade
3D Euler about a 2D Symmetry Plane
3D Euler equations and ideal MHD mapped to regular systems: probing the finite-time blowup hypothesis
3D High Resolution Simulation of Stellar Convection
3D simulations of self-propelled, reconstructed jellyfish using vortex methods
3D synthetic aperture PIV measurements from artificial vibrating vocal folds
3D visualization of two-phase flow in the micro-tube by a simple but effective method
3D vortex formation of rigid and flexible plates in impulsively starting motion
A 3D fast algorithm for computing Lagrangian coherent structures via ridge tracking
A Bicharacteristic Scheme for the Numerical Computation of Two-Dimensional Converging Shock Waves
A bilateral shear layer between two parallel Couette flows
A Bound on Mixing Efficiency for the Advection-Diffusion Equation