UFO: "Unidentified" Floating Object Driven by Thermocapillarity
Ultimate Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flow
Ultrafast High-pressure AC Electro-osmotic Pumps for Portable Biomedical Microfluidics
Ultrafast Interference Imaging of Air in Splashing Dynamics
Unbalanced instabilities of rapidly rotating stratified shear flows
Unconditional jetting
Underlying mechanism of numerical instability in large eddy simulation of turbulent flows
Understanding mixing efficiency in the oceans: Do the nonlinearities of the equation of state matter?
Understanding the sub-critical transition to turbulence in wall flows
Underwater bubble pinch-off: the decay of advection out of the singularity
Undulatory locomotion of {\it C. elegans} on wet surfaces
Undulatory swimming in viscoelastic fluids
Unified Model of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations
Uniform Conversions of Operating Points and Characteristics of Compressor
Unique representation of an inverse-kinetic theory for incompressible Newtonian fluids
Uniqueness in Relativistic Hydrodynamics
Universal constants and equations of turbulent motion
Universal dissipation scaling for non-equilibrium turbulence
Universal Distribution of Centers and Saddles in Two-Dimensional Turbulence
Universal dynamics in the onset of a Hagen-Poiseuille flow