Effect of non-zero constant vorticity on the nonlinear resonances of capillary water waves
Effect of oxidation on the Mechanical Properties of Liquid Gallium and Eutectic Gallium-Indium
Effect of Patterned Slip on Micro and Nanofluidic Flows
Effect of Planetary Rotation on Bulk Transport and Interfacial Mixing in Exchange Flow Through Straits.
Effect of Plumes on Measuring the Large Scale Circulation in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
Effect of the difference in ion mobilities on traveling-wave electro-osmosis
Effect of the Earth's Coriolis force on the large-scale circulation of turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection
Effect of transient pinning on stability of drops sitting on an inclined plane
Effective degrees of nonlinearity in a family of generalized models of two-dimensional turbulence
Effective Hydrodynamic Boundary Conditions for Corrugated Surfaces
Effective Rheology of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
Effective shear and extensional viscosities of cocentrated disordered suspensions of rigid particles
Effective slip boundary conditions for arbitrary 1D surfaces
Effective slip boundary conditions for arbitrary periodic surfaces: The surface mobility tensor
Effective slip in pressure-driven flow past super-hydrophobic stripes
Effective slip over superhydrophobic surfaces in thin channels
Effective viscosity of grease ice in linearized gravity waves
Effects of an imposed quasi-biennial oscillation in a comprehensive troposphere - stratosphere - mesosphere general circulation model.
Effects of boundary conditions on the onset of convection with tilted magnetic field and rotation vectors
Effects of Bulk Viscosity in Non-linear Bubble Dynamics