Transport Through Andreev Bound States in a Graphene Quantum Dot
Transport through superconductor/magnetic dot/superconductor structures
Transport, magnetic and superconducting properties of RuSr2RCu2O8 (R= Eu, Gd) doped with Sn
Transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and optical properties in Ti-doped Sr_2RuO_4
Transport, thermal and magnetic properties of RuSr_2(Gd_{1.5}Ce_{0.5})Cu_2O_{10-δ}, a magnetic superconductor
Transverse and in-plane modification of superconductivity and electronic structure in the quasi-two dimensional organic conductor $κ $--(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$Cu(SCN)$_{2}$ by uniaxial stress
Transverse and secondary voltages in BSCCO single crystals
Transverse Commensurability Effect for Vortices in Periodic Pinning Arrays
Transverse depinning and melting of a moving vortex lattice in driven periodic Josephson junction arrays
Transverse depinning in strongly driven vortex lattices with disorder
Transverse depinning in weakly-pinned vortices
Transverse even effect and Hall effect in YBaCuO superconductor
Transverse instabilities of multiple vortex chains in superconductor-ferromagnet bilayers
Transverse load optimisation in Nb3Sn CICC design; influence of cabling, void fraction and strand stiffness
Transverse magnetization and torque in asymmetrical mesoscopic superconductors
Transverse Phase Locking for Vortex Motion in Square and Triangular Pinning Arrays
Transverse phase-locking in fully frustrated Josephson junction arrays: a new type of fractional giant steps
Transverse Plasma Waves and the Effects of Capacitive Coupling in Long Intrinsic Josephson Junctions
Transverse voltage in high-Tc superconductors in zero magnetic fields
Transverse voltage in zero external magnetic fields, its scaling and violation of the time reversal symmetry in MgB2