Similarity between Ni and Zn impurity effects on the superconductivity and Cu-spin correlation in La2-xSrxCu1-yNiyO4 high-Tc cuprates: A comparison based on the hole trapping by Ni
Similarity of slow stripe fluctations between Sr-doped cuprates and oxygen-doped nickelates
Similarity renormalization of the electron--phonon coupling
Simple Explanation of Fermi Arcs in Cuprate Pseudogaps: a Motional Narrowing Phenomenon
Simple Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Vortices in a Crystal Lattice
Simple Mean-Field Theory for a Zero-Temperature Fermi Gas at a Feshbach Resonance
Simple model for the linear temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of layered cuprates
Simple Model for the Variation of Superfluid Density with Zn Concentration in YBCO
Simple model of anisotropic pairing with repulsive interactions
Simple Real-Space Picture of Nodeless and Nodal s-wave Gap Functions in Iron Pnictide Superconductors
Simple technique for superconducting joints quality estimation in bulk melt-processed high temperature superconductors
Simple test for high Jc and low Rs superconducting thin films
Simple theory of extremely overdoped HTS
Simple Vortex States in Films of Type-I Ginzburg-Landau Superconductor
Simulating Ramsey-Type Fringes in a Pulsed Microwave-Driven Classical Josephson Junction
Simulation of I-V Hysteresis Branches in An Intrinsic Stack of Josephson Junctions in High $T_c$ Superconductors
Simulation of light C4+ ion irradiation and its significant enhancement to the critical current density in BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 single crystals
Simulation of some quantum gates, with decoherence
Simulation of the current dynamics in superconductors: Application to magnetometry measurements
Simulation Studies on the Stability of the Vortex-Glass Order