Symmetric and non-symmetric vortex-antivortex molecules in fourfold superconducting geometry
Symmetries of Pairing Correlations in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Nanostructures
Symmetries of the quasi-1d Bechgaard salts superconducting state in an applied magnetic field
Symmetrized mean-field description of magnetic instabilities in k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y salts
Symmetry analysis of possible superconducting states in KxFe2Se2 superconductors
Symmetry and disorder of the vitreous vortex lattice in an overdoped BaFe_{2-x}Co_xAs_2 superconductor: Indication for strong single-vortex pinning
Symmetry and inert states of spin Bose Condensates
Symmetry and Temperature dependence of the Order parameter in MgB2 from point contact measurements
Symmetry and Topology in Superconductors - Odd-frequency pairing and edge states -
Symmetry breaking orbital anisotropy on detwinned Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 above the spin density wave transition
Symmetry breaking via orbital-dependent reconstruction of electronic structure in uniaxially strained NaFeAs
Symmetry Considerations for the Detection of Second-Harmonic Generation in Cuprates in the Pseudogap phase
Symmetry of spin excitation spectra in the tetragonal paramagnetic and superconducting phases of 122-ferropnictides
Symmetry of superconducting states with two orbitals on a tetragonal lattice: application to $LaO_{1-x}F_{x}FeAs$
Symmetry of the charge density wave in cuprates
Symmetry of the order parameter in superconducting ZrZn_2
Symmetry of the remanent state flux distribution in superconducting thin strips: Probing the critical state
Symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in frustrated systems determined by the spatial anisotropy of spin correlations
Symmetry of Two- and Four- Electron States in Solids. Application to Unconventional Superconductors
Symmetry properties of the nodal superconductor PrOs4Sb12