Suppression of Superconductivity in Single Crystals of UPt_3 by Pd Substitution
Suppression of Superconductivity in UPt_3 Single Crystals
Suppression of Superconductivity in YBCO/LCMO Superlattices
Suppression of surface barrier in superconductors by columnar defects
Suppression of Tc in the (Y0.9Ca0.1)Ba2Cu4-xFexO8 system
Suppression of the "quasiclassical" proximity gap in correlated-metal--superconductor structures
Suppression of the charge-density-wave state in Sr_14Cu_24O_41 by calcium doping
Suppression of the critical temperature of superconducting NdFeAs(OF) single crystals by Kondo-like defect sites induced by alpha-particle irradiation
Suppression of the Melting Line in a Weakly Disordered Flux-line System
Suppression of the structural phase transition and lattice softening in slightly underdoped Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2 with electronic phase separation
Suppression of the superconducting critical current of Nb in bilayers of Nb/SrRuO3
Suppression of the superconducting energy gap in intrinsic Josephson junctions of $\mathbf{Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+δ}}$ single crystals
Suppression of the Superconducting Transition in RFeAsO1-xFx for R = Tb, Dy, Ho
Suppression of the vortex glass transition due to correlated defects with a persistent direction perpendicular to an applied magnetic field
Suppression of time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in Pr(Os,Ru)_4Sb_12 and (Pr,La)Os_4Sb_12
Suppression of Tunneling in a Superconducting Persistent-Current Qubit
Suppression of Tunneling of Superconducting Vortices Caused by a Remote Gate: Example of an Extended Object Tunneling
Suppression of vortex channeling in meandered YBa2Cu3O7-d grain boundaries
Supression of electron correlations in the superconducting alloys of Rh$_{17-x}$Ir$_x$S$_{15}$
Surface and bulk electronic structure of unconventional superconductor Sr_2RuO_4: unusual splitting of the beta-band