Quantum oscillations in the parent pnictide BaFe$_2$As$_2$ : itinerant electrons in the reconstructed state
Quantum Oscillations in the Underdoped Cuprate YBa2Cu4O8
Quantum oscillations in underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_6.5
Quantum oscillations of ortho-II YBa_2Cu_3O_6.5
Quantum oscillations of rectified dc voltage as a function of magnetic field in an "almost" symmetric superconducting ring
Quantum oscillations of the critical current of asymmetric superconducting rings and systems of the rings
Quantum Oscillations of the Critical Current of Asymmetric Aluminum Loops in Magnetic Field
Quantum oscillations of the rectified voltage and the critical current of asymmetric mesoscopic superconducting loops
Quantum Phase Analysis of Extended Bose-Hubbard Model
Quantum Phase Diffusion in a Small Underdamped Josephson Junction
Quantum Phase Dynamics in an LC shunted Josephson Junction
Quantum Phase Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors
Quantum Phase Fluctuations Responsible for Pseudogap
Quantum Phase in Nanoscopic Superconductors
Quantum phase slip interference device based on superconducting nanowire
Quantum phase slip junctions
Quantum phase slips in a confined geometry
Quantum Phase Slips in Superconducting Nanowires
Quantum phase slips in superconducting wires with weak inhomogeneities
Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of dipoles