Predicted giant magnetic moment on non-{n0m} surfaces of d-wave superconductors --- Can it be observed and how?
Predicted light scattering by Josephson vortices in layered cuprates
Prediction and description of a chiral pseudogap phase
Prediction of High Tc Superconductivity in Hole-doped LiBC
Prediction of High Transition Temperatures in Ceramic Superconductors
Prediction of superconducting properties of CaB2 using anisotropic Eliashberg theory
Prediction of Superconductivity at ~ 30 K in Compressed Body-Centered Cubic Yttrium
Predictions of highest Transition-temperature for electron-phonon superconductors
Predictions of pressure-induced transition temperature increase for a variety of high temperature superconductors
Predominant Magnetic States in Hubbard Model on Anisotropic Triangular Lattices
Predominantly Superconducting Origin of Large Energy Gaps in Underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8-d from Tunneling Spectroscopy
Preeminent role of the Van Hove singularity in the strong-coupling analysis of scanning tunneling spectroscopy for two-dimensional cuprates
Preemptive nematic order, pseudogap, and orbital order in the iron pnictides
PREFACE: Lectures from the CERN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, 9-13 February 2009 Lectures from the CERN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge Theories, CERN, 9-13 February 2009
Preformed Pairs, SU(2) Slave-boson Theory, and High T_c Superconductors
Preparation and Characterization of Homogeneous YBCO Single Crystals with Doping Level near the SC-AFM Boundary
Preparation and properties of amorphous MgB$_2$/MgO superstructures: A new model disordered superconductor
Preparation and Superconductivity of a MgB2 Superconducting Tape
Preparation and superconductivity of iron selenide thin films
Preparation of 18-filament Cu/NbZr/MgB2 tape with high transport critical current density