Possible evidence for two-gap superconductivity in TiSe_2Cu_x
Possible Exciton Mechanism of Superconductivity in Ag5Pb2O6/(CuO-Cu2O) Composite
Possible f-wave superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$?
Possible field-tuned SIT in high-Tc superconductors: implications for pairing at high magnetic fields
Possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in CeCoIn_5
Possible Graviton Transitions and Gaser Action in High-Tc Superconductors
Possible ground states of D-wave condensates in isotropic space
Possible high temperature superconductivity in Ti-doped A-Sc-Fe-As-O (A= Ca, Sr) system
Possible High-Tc Superconductivity in LiMgN: A MgB2-like Material
Possible high-temperature superconductivity in multilayer graphane: can the cuprates be beaten?
Possible hydrogen doping and enhancement of Tc (= 35 K) in a LaFeAsO-based superconductor
Possible implementation of adiabatic quantum algorithm with superconducting flux qubits
Possible indicators for low dimensional superconductivity in the quasi-1D carbide Sc3CoC4
Possible isotope effect on the resonance peak formation in high-T$_c$ cuprates
Possible Josephson-like behavior of the YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystal twin boundaries in low magnetic fields
Possible kinetic arrest of the ferromagnetic to anti-ferromagnetic transition in SmCoAsO: The interplay of Sm4f and Co3d spins
Possible manifestation of spin fluctuations in the temperature behavior of resistivity in Sm_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 thin films
Possible Mechanism for Superconductivity in Sulfur - Common Theme for Unconventional Superconductors?
Possible mechanism of Cooper pairing in HTS cuprates
Possible Microscopic Doping Mechanism in Tl-2201