Phonon Dispersion Relations in PrBa2Cu3O6+x (x ~ 0.2)
Phonon Dynamics and Multipolar Isomorphic Transition in beta-pyrochlore KOs2O6
Phonon dynamics in Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 and Ca0.6Na0.4Fe2As2
Phonon dynamics in SrFe2As2 and SrFeAsF parent pnictide compounds: How different/similar when compared to Ca- and Ba-compounds?
Phonon origin of low energy and high energy kinks in high temperature cuprate superconductors
Phonon relaxation of subgap levels in superconducting quantum point contacts
Phonon Resonant Cavities as a Promising Building Blocks of Hand-Made Nanocrystalline Matter
Phonon Resonators : The Building Blocks of Nanocomposite Adjusting the Electron - Phonon Interaction
Phonon role in superconductivity of La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) studied by inelastic x-ray scattering
Phonon Signature of Charge Inhomogeneity in High Temperature Superconductors YBa2Cu3O{6+x}
Phonon Softening in Superconducting Diamond
Phonon spectra in CaFe2As2 and Ca0.6Na0.4Fe2As2: Measurement of the pressure and temperature dependence and comparison with ab-initio and shell model calculations
Phonon spectrum and soft-mode behavior of MgCNi_3
Phonon splitting and anomalous enhancement of infrared-active modes in BaFe$_2$As$_2$
Phonon structure in I-V characteristic of MgB$_{2}$ point-contacts
Phonon structure in point-contact spectra of MgB$_2$
Phonon thermal conductivity in doped $\rm\bf La_2CuO_4$: Relevant scattering mechanisms
Phonon, Two-Magnon and Electronic Raman Scattering of Fe1+yTe1-xSex
Phonon-assisted electronic topological transition in MgB2 under pressure
Phonon-bound nucleon pairs predicted by the Bohm-Staver relation