Pair-breaking in iron-pnictides
Pair-correlation in Bose-Einstein Condensate and Fermi Superfluid of Atomic Gases
Pair-Hopping Mechanism for Layered Superconductors
Pairbreaking Without Magnetic Impurities in Disordered Superconductors
Paired Cluster Model of High-Tc Superconductivity:Explanation for Pseudogap Critical Concentration, Vortex Core Pseudogap and Possible Stripe Phase in High-Tc Superconductors
Paired fermionic superfluids with s- and p-wave interactions
Pairing and density-wave phases in Boson-Fermion mixtures at fixed filling
Pairing and Superconductivity from weak to strong coupling in the Attractive Hubbard model
Pairing between Atoms and Molecules in a Boson-Fermion Resonant Mixture
Pairing competition in a quasi-one-dimensional model of organic superconductors (TMTSF)$_{2}X$ in magnetic field
Pairing Correlations and the Pseudo-Gap State: Application of the Pairing Approximation Theory
Pairing Correlations in Finite Systems: From the weak to the strong fluctuations regime
Pairing dynamics in strongly correlated superconductivity
Pairing fluctuation effects on the single-particle spectra for the superconducting state
Pairing fluctuation theory of high $T_c$ superconductivity in the presence of nonmagnetic impurities
Pairing Fluctuation Theory of Superconducting Properties in Underdoped to Overdoped Cuprates
Pairing Fluctuations in The Attractive Hubbard Model in the Atomic Limit
Pairing gap and in-gap excitations in trapped fermionic superfluids
Pairing gaps in atomic gases at the BCS-BEC crossover
Pairing Gaps, Pseudogaps, and Phase Diagrams for Cuprate Superconductors