Origin of Weak-Link Behavior of Grain Boundaries in Superconducting Cuprates and Pnictides
Origins of large critical temperature variations in single layer cuprates
Origins of low- and high-pressure discontinuities of $T_{c}$ in niobium
Orthogonality Catastrophe for Vortices in d-Wave Superconductors
Orthogonality constraints and entropy in the SO(5)-Theory of HighT_c-Superconductivity
Oscillation of Tc depending on the number of CuO2 planes in the cuprates
Oscillations of Andreev states in clean ferromagnetic films
Oscillations of magnetization and conductivity in anisotropic Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductors
Oscillations of the superconducting critical current in Nb-Cu-Ni-Cu-Nb junctions
Oscillations of the superconducting order parameter in a ferromagnet
Oscillatory dynamics and organization of the vortex solid in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals
Oscillatory eigenmodes and stability of one and two arbitrary fractional vortices in long Josephson 0-kappa-junctions
Oscillatory vortex interaction in a gapless fermion superfluid with spin population imbalance
Out of plane effect on the superconductivity of Sr2-xBaxCuO3+d with Tc up to 98K
Out of plane effect on the superconductivity of Sr2-xBaxCuO3+y with Tc up to 98K
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of the vortex glass
Out-of-plane fluctuation conductivity of layered superconductors in strong electric fields
Out-of-plane impurities induced the deviation from the monotonic d-wave superconducting gap in cuprate superconductors
Out-of-plane instability and electron-phonon contribution to s- and d-wave pairing in high-temperature superconductors; LDA linear-response calculation for doped CaCuO2 and a generic tight-binding model
Out-of-plane momentum and symmetry dependent superconducting gap in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2