Optical Properties of Layered Superconductors near the Josephson Plasma Resonance
Optical properties of the iron-arsenic superconductor BaFe1.85Co0.15As2
Optical properties of the iron-chalcogenide superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45
Optical properties of the pseudogap state in underdoped cuprates
Optical properties of unconventional superconductors
Optical Response for the d-density wave model
Optical response of high-$T_c$ cuprates: possible role of scattering rate saturation and in-plane anisotropy
Optical self-energy of superconducting Pb in the THz region
Optical signature of sub-gap absorption in the superconducting state of Ba(Fe,Co)2As2
Optical spectral weight distribution in d-wave superconductors
Optical spectroscopy of plasmons and excitons in cuprate superconductors
Optical spectroscopy of superconducting Ba{0.55}K{0.45}Fe2As2: evidence for strong coupling to low energy bosons
Optical spectroscopy study on single crystalline LaFeAsO
Optical studies of charge dynamics in c-axis oriented superconducting MgB2 films
Optical studies of charge dynamics in the optimally-doped Bi2212 and the non-superconducting cobaltate single crystals
Optical Study of LaO_0.9F_0.1FeAs: Evidence for a Weakly Coupled Superconducting State
Optical study of the charge-density-wave mechanism in 2$H$-TaS$_2$ and Na$_x$TaS$_2$
Optical sum in Nearly Antiferromagnetic Fermi Liquid Model
Optical sum increase due to electron undressing
Optical Sum Rule anomalies in the High-Tc Cuprates