Online Supplementary Material: Low temperature vortex liquid in $\rm La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4$
Onsager's Inequality, the Landau-Feynman Ansatz and Superfluidity
Onset of a boson mode at superconducting critical point of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy
Onset of ATC superconductivity in Ag5Pb2O6/CuO composite
Onset of decoupling at the melting field of the vortex lattice in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 from microwave dissipation
Onset of dendritic flux avalanches in superconducting films
Onset of dielectric modes at 110K and 60K due to local lattice distortions in non-superconducting YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.0} crystals
Onset of phase correlations in YBa2Cu3O{7-x} as determined from reversible magnetization measurements
Onset of superconductivity and hysteresis in magnetic field for a long cylinder as obtained from a self-consistent solutions of the Ginzburg--Landau equations
Onset of superconductivity in 2D granular films composed of Bi clusters
Onset of Superfluidity in 4He Films Adsorbed on Disordered Substrates
Onset of Vortices in Thin Superconducting Strips and Wires
Onset Properties of Supersolid Helium
Opening of a pseudogap in a quasi-two dimensional superconductor due to critical thermal fluctuations
Opening of pseudogaps due to superconducting critical fluctuations in quasi-two dimensions
Opening of the superconducting gap in the hole pockets of Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2 as seen via Angle-Resolved PhotoElectron Spectroscopy
Operation of a superconducting nanowire quantum interference device with mesoscopic leads
Optical activity of noncentrosymmetric metals
Optical and Raman spectroscopy studies on Fe-based superconductors
Optical and Thermal-Transport Properties of an Inhomogeneous d-Wave Superconductor