On the interpretation of the equilibrium magnetization in the mixed state of high-Tc superconductors
On the interpretation of the Nernst effect measurements in the cuprates
On the large role of weak uncorrelated pinning introduced by BZO nanorods at low temperatures in REBCO thin films
On the Lifshitz tail in the density of states of a superconductor with magnetic impurities
On the London Free Energy and Tilt Modulus of the Flux Line Lattice in Type II Superconductors
On the low-energy density of states in disordered d-wave superconductor
On the Magnetic Excitation Spectra of High Tc Cu Oxides up to the Energies far above the Resonance Energy
On the Magnetic-Field Dependence of the Longitudinal Ultrasonic Attenuation in a Type-II Superconductor
On the Magnetism of the Normal State in MgB2
On the magnetization of two-dimensional superconductors
On the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity in the iron based pnictides
On the Mechanism of Superconductivity in HTSC from Tunneling Spectroscopy Measurements on Bi-2212 Single Crystals
On the Meissner Effect of the Odd-Frequency Superconductivity with Critical Spin Fluctuations: Possibility of Zero Field FFLO pairing
On the Melting of Bosonic Stripes
On the melting of the nanocrystalline vortex matter in high-temperature superconductors
On the microwave response of thin superconducting films with trapped magnetic flux
On the multi-orbital band structure and itinerant magnetism of iron-based superconductors
On the nature of antiferromagnetism in the CO_2 planes of oxide superconductors
On the nature of superconductivity in the t-J model of high-Tc superconductors
On the nature of superconductor pseudogaps