New class of T-prime-structure cuprate superconductors
New critical behavior in unconventional ferromagnetic superconductors
New directions in the pursuit of Majorana fermions in solid state systems
New Electron-Doped Superconducting Cuprate Li_x_Sr_2_CuO_2_Br_2_
New enlargement of the novel class of superconductors
New Experiments for Spontaneous Vortex Formation in Josephson Tunnel Junctions
New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications
New features in the microwave response of YBCO crystals: Evidence for a multi-component order parameter
New features of the phase transition to superconducting state in thin films
New fermionic superfluid state
New fluctuation-driven phase transitions and critical phenomena in unconventional superconductors
New heat treatment to prepare high quality polycrystalline and single crystal MgB2 in single process
New High Field State of Flux Line Lattice in Unconventional Superconductor CeCoIn_5
New High Temperature Diboride Superconductors: AgB2 and AuB2
New Insight into the Fluctuations of the Moving Vortex Lattice: Non-Gaussian Noise and Levy Flights
New insight into the physics of iron pnictides from optical and penetration depth data
New interpretation for energy gap $Δ$ of the cut-off approximation in the BCS theory of superconductivity
New Iron Arsenide Oxides (Fe2As2)(Sr4(Sc,Ti)3O8), (Fe2As2)(Ba4Sc3O7.5), and (Fe2As2)(Ba3Sc2O5)
New iron-based arsenide oxides (Fe2As2)(Sr4M2O6)(M = Sc, Cr)
New Josephson Plasma Modes in Underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.6 Induced by Parallel Magnetic Field