New magnetic phase in rb3c60 fullerene in normal state observed in torque experiments
New Magnetic-Field-Induced Macroscopic Quantum Phenomenon in High-$T_c$ Cuprates: Confined Field-Induced Density Waves in the Superconducting State
New mean field theory of the tt't''J model applied to the high-Tc superconductors
New mechanism for superconductivity in cosmic strings
New Memory Concept for Superconducting Electronics
New Methods for Investigating Superconductivity at Very High Pressures
New Model and Numerical Test of a High Temperature Pairing Mechanism in Stripes
New Phenomena in Proximity Effect Tunneling in High TC Superconductors
New Pyrochlore Oxide Superconductor RbOs2O6
New scenario for high-T_c cuprates: electronic topological transition as a motor for anomalies in the underdoped regime
New Series of Nickel-Based Pnictide Oxide Superconductors (Ni2Pn2)(Sr4Sc2O6) (Pn = P, As)
New Software for Measurements of the Anisotropic Resistivity by Multiterminal Technique
New superconducting phases in field-induced organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)2FeCl4
New Superconducting RbFe2As2: A First-principles Investigation
New superconducting T'-(La3+)2-x(RE3+)xCuO4 with isovalent doping (RE = Sm, Eu, Tb, Lu, and Y)
New superconduting cuprates with no effective doping: T'-(La3+)2-x(RE3+)xCuO4
New Theory of Superconductivity
New Theory of Superconductivity (Part II): Confirmation at low temperature
New type of antiferromagnetic polaron and bipolaron in HTc - superconductors
New type of collective modes in three-band superconductors