Magic doping: From the localized hole-pair to the checkerboard patterns
Magnesium Diboride Flexible Flat Cables for Cryogenic Electronics
Magnet Field Induced idxy Order in a dx2-y2 Superconductor
Magnetic and Charge Fluctuations in High-$T_c$ Superconductors
Magnetic and electrical characterization of lanthanum superconductors with dilute Lu and Pr impurities
Magnetic and electrical properties and carrier doping effects on the Fe-based host compound Sr4Sc2Fe2As2O6
Magnetic and Electronic Phase Diagram and Superconductivity in the Organic Superconductors k-(BEDT-TTF)2X
Magnetic and Electronic Raman Scattering at the Nodal Spin-Density-Wave Transition in BaFe2As2
Magnetic and electronic structures of superconducting RuSr$_2$GdCu$_2$O$_8$
Magnetic and lattice coupling in single-crystal SrFe$_2$As$_2$: A neutron scattering study
Magnetic and Metallic State at Intermediate Hubbard U Coupling in Multiorbital Models for Undoped Fe Pnictides
Magnetic and phonon mechanisms of superconductivity in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ support each other
Magnetic and structural transitions in layered FeAs systems: AFe2As2 versus RFeAsO compounds
Magnetic and superconducting instabilities in a hybrid model of itinerant/localized electrons for iron pnictides
Magnetic and superconducting phase diagram of electron-doped Pr$_{1-x}$LaCe$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$
Magnetic and superconducting properties of Cd2Re2O7: Cd NMR and Re NQR
Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of FeAs-based High-Tc Superconductors with Gd
Magnetic and superconducting properties of RuSr2 Gd1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10-x samples: dependence on the oxygen content and ageing effects
Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of Single Crystals of Fe$_{1+δ}$Te$_{1-x}$Se$_x$ System
Magnetic and superconducting transitions in Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ studied by specific heat