Low ordered magnetic moment by off-diagonal frustration in undoped parent compounds to iron-based high-Tc superconductors
Low Power Superconducting Microwave Applications and Microwave Microscopy
Low Temperature AC Conductivity in BSCCO (2212)
Low Temperature Behavior of the Vortex Lattice in Unconventional Superconductors
Low Temperature Crystal Structure and 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy of Sr3Sc2O5Fe2As2
Low Temperature Fabrication of MgB2
Low temperature laser scanning microscopy of a superconducting radio-frequency cavity
Low Temperature Limit of Stability of Coherent Precession of Spin in the Superfluid 3He-B
Low temperature magnetoresistance of dirty thin films and quantum wires near a parallel-field-tuned superconducting quantum phase transition
Low Temperature Metallic State of Ultrathin Films of Bismuth
Low temperature penetration depth and the effect of quasi-particle scattering measured by millimeter wave transmission in YBaCuO thin films
Low Temperature Penetration depth of κ-(ET)_2Cu[N(CN)_2]Br and κ-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2
Low temperature physics of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$: multi-component superconductivity
Low temperature quasiparticle transport in a d-wave superconductor with coexisting charge order
Low temperature specific heat in BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 single crystals
Low Temperature Specific Heat of Optimally Doped BaFe$_{2-x}$$TM_x$As$_{2}$ ($TM$ = Co and Ni) Single Crystals: Constraint on the Pairing Gap
Low temperature specific heat of the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$
Low temperature specific heat of the hole-doped Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}Fe_2As_2 single crystals and electron-doped SmFeAsO_{0.9}F_{0.1} samples
Low Temperature Superfluid Response of High-Tc Superconductors
Low temperature superfluid stiffness of d-wave superconductor in a magnetic field