Josephson squelch filter for quantum nanocircuits
Josephson super-current in graphene-superconductor junction
Josephson transport through a Hubbard impurity center
Josephson tunnel junction controlled by quasiparticle injection
Josephson Tunnel Junctions in a Magnetic Field Gradient
Josephson tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic $\Fe_{0.75}\Co_{0.25}$ barriers
Josephson tunnel junctions with nonlinear damping for RSFQ-qubit circuit applications
Josephson tunnel junctions with strong ferromagnetic interlayer
Josephson tunneling and nanosystems
Josephson tunnelling spectroscopy of negative U centers
Josephson vortex dynamic in superconducting $YBa_2Cu_3O_x$ ceramics
Josephson vortex in a ratchet potential: Theory
Josephson vortex interaction mediated by cavity modes: Tunable coupling for superconducting qubits
Josephson vortex lattice melting in Bi-2212 probed by commensurate oscillations of Josephson flux-flow
Josephson vortex lattices with modulation perpendicular to an in-plane magnetic field in layered superconductor
Josephson Vortex States in Intermediate Fields
Josephson vortices and the Meissner effect in stacked junctions and layered superconductors: Exact analytical results
Josephson-current induced conformational switching of a molecular quantum dot
Josephson-Like Behaviour of Granular Carbon Films
Josephson-like spin current in junctions composed of antiferromagnets and ferromagnets