Josephson current in graphene: the role of unconventional pairing symmetries
Josephson Current in S-FIF-S Junctions: Nonmonotonic Dependence on Misorientation Angle
Josephson current in s-wave superconductor / Sr_2RuO_4 junctions
Josephson current in superconductor-ferromagnet structures with a nonhomogeneous magnetization
Josephson Current in the Presence of a Precessing Spin
Josephson current noise above Tc in superconducting tunnel junctions
Josephson current through charge density waves
Josephson currents in point contacts between dirty two-band superconductors
Josephson Currents in Quantum Hall Devices
Josephson currents through spin-active interfaces
Josephson effect and quantum merging of two Bose superfluids
Josephson effect and spin-triplet pairing correlations in SF1F2S junctions
Josephson effect and tunneling spectroscopy in Nb/Al2O3/Al/MgB2 thin films junctions
Josephson effect as a measure of quantum fluctuations in the cuprates
Josephson effect between a two-band superconductor with the s++ or s+- pairing symmetry and a conventional s-wave superconductor
Josephson effect between Bose condensates
Josephson Effect between Condensates with Different Internal Structures
Josephson Effect between Conventional and Rashba Superconductors
Josephson effect between electron-doped and hole-doped iron pnictide single crystals
Josephson effect between triplet superconductors through a ferromagnetic barrier of finite width