Glass phases of flux lattices in layered superconductors
Glass transition and the replica symmetry breaking of vortex matter
Glass-like low frequency ac response of ZrB$_{12}$ and Nb single crystals in the surface superconducting state
Glassiness in vortex matter in MgB2 probed by a novel scaling method for creep analysis
Glassy dynamics of Josephon arrays on a dice lattice
Glassy nature of stripe ordering in La(1.6-x)Nd(0.4)Sr(x)CuO(4)
Glassy Slowing of Stripe Modulation in (La,Eu,Nd)(2-x)(Sr,Ba)(x)CuO4: A Cu-63 and La-139 NQR Study Down to 350mK
Glassy Spin Freezing and NMR Wipeout Effect in the High-T_c Superconductor La1.90Sr0.10CuO4: What is the Relationship With Stripes ?
Gliding dislocations in a driven vortex lattice
Global and local critical current density in superconducting SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$ measured by two methods
Global Phase Diagram of the High Tc Cuprates
Global trends in the interplane penetration depth of layered superconductors
Goldstone modes in Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell superconductors
Gorkov equations for a pseudo-gapped high temperature superconductor
Gossamer supercoductivity and the mean field approximation of a new effective Hubbard model
Gossamer Superconductivity
Gossamer Superconductivity near Antiferromagnetic Mott Insulator in Layered Organic Conductors
Gossamer Superconductivity, New Paradigm?
Granular superconductivity in the cuprates evinced by finite size effects in the specific heat and London penetration depths
Granularity and vortex dynamics in LaO_0.92F_0.08FeAs as probed by harmonics of the AC magnetic susceptibility