Gauge dependenceof the order parameter anomalous dimension in the Ginzburg-Landau model and the critical fluctuations in superconductors
Gauge effects on phase transitions in superconductors
Gauge Fluctuations in Superconducting Films
Gauge Invariance and Hall Terms in the Quasiclassical Equations of Superconductivity
Gauge-invariant electromagnetic response of a chiral px+ipy superconductor
Gaussian Effective Potential and superconductivity
Gaussian superconducting fluctuations, thermal transport, and the Nernst effect
Gaussian Tunneling Model of c-Axis Twist Josephson Junctions
General critical states in type-II superconductors
General model of pressure-induced transition temperature increase with focus on the Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O System
General Rule and Materials Design of Negative Effective U System for High-T_c Superconductivity
Generalized boundary conditions for the circuit theory of mesoscopic transport
Generalized Coherent State Derivation of TDDFT Equations for Superconductors
Generalized Cooper pairing and Bose-Einstein condensation
Generalized Ginzburg-Landau theory for non-uniform FFLO superconductors
Generalized index theorem for string superconductivity in realistic models
Generalized method of image and the tunneling spectroscopy in high-Tc superconductors
Generalized Statistics and High Tc Superconductivity
Generalized Statistics and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem
Generalized switchable coupling for superconducting qubits using double resonance