Destruction of chain-superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_4O_8 in a weak magnetic field
Destruction of diagonal and off-diagonal long range order by disorder in two-dimensional hard core boson systems
Destruction of Neel order and appearance of superconductivity in electron-doped cuprates by oxygen annealing process
Destruction of Superconductivity by Impurities in the Attractive Hubbard Model
Destruction of the Fermi Surface in Underdoped High Tc Superconductors
Destruction of the phase coherence by the magnetic field in the fluctuation region of thin superconducting film
Destruction of the small Fermi surfaces in Na$_x$CoO$_2$ by Na disorder
Detailed electronic structure studies on superconducting MgB$_2$ and related compounds
Detailed investigation of the superconducting transition of niobium disks exhibiting the paramagnetic Meissner effect
Detailed magnetization study of superconducting properties of YBCO ceramic spheres
Detailed study of the ac susceptibility of Sr2RuO4 in oriented magnetic fields
Details of disorder matter in 2D d-wave superconductors
Details of the photoemission spectra analysis
Detecting flux creep in superconducting YBCO thin films via damping of the oscillations of a levitating permanent magnet
Detecting fractions of electrons in the high-$T_c$ cuprates
Detecting the Majorana fermion surface state of $^3$He-B through spin relaxation
Detecting the quantum zero-point motion of vortices in the cuprate superconductors
Detection of BCS pairing in neutral Fermi fluids via Stokes scattering: the Hebel Slichter effect
Detection of Geometric Phases in Flux Qubits with Coherent Pulses
Detection of Individual Vortices in Micron-Size Sr2RuO4 Rings by Phase-Locked Cantilever Magnetometry