Band structure of tetragonal and orthorhombic fluorine-arsenide SrFeAsF as a parent phases for a new group of oxygen-free FeAs superconductors
Band-dependent Quasiparticle Dynamics in Single Crystals of the Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ Superconductor Revealed by Pump-Probe Spectroscopy
Band-filling effects on electron-phonon properties of normal and superconducting state
Band-mixing-mediated Andreev reflection of semiconductor holes
Bands, spin fluctuations and traces of Fermi surfaces in angle-resolved photoemission intensities for high-$T_C$ cuprates
Bandwidth and Fermi surface of Iron-Oxypnictides: covalency and sensitivity to structural changes
Bardeen-Stephen flux flow law disobeyed in the high-$T_c$ superconductor Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8+δ}$
Barkhausen-like conductance noise in polycrystalline high Tc superconductors immersed in a slowly varying magnetic field
Baryonic Bound State of Vortices in Multicomponent Superconductors
Basal-Plane Magnetic Anisotropies of High-kappa d-Wave Superconductors in a Mixed State: A Quasiclassical Approach
Basic Connection between Superconductivity and Superfluidity
Basic Foundations of the Microscopic Theory of Superconductivity
Basic physics of solid materials
Basic Properties of a Vortex in a Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor
Basic Science at the Extreme States of Matter
BaT2As2 Single Crystals (T = Fe, Co, Ni) and Superconductivity upon Co-doping
Ba{1-x}KxMn2As2: An Antiferromagnetic Local-Moment Metal
BCS - BEC crossover at T=0: A Dynamical Mean Field Theory Approach
BCS and Attractive Hubbard Model Comparative Study
BCS and BEC Finally Unified: A Brief Review